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Re - 

What is ReGrow

ReGrow was created with the goal of ensuring that all people actively working to improve the world do so in healthy, safe and sustainable environments.


We work to achieve motivating work environments, based on companionship, empathy, and personal and professional growth, where everyone can grow professionally.

Ancla 1


Fostering organizational health for a sustainable and thriving future.


Creating safe, inclusive, and high-performing work environments to drive positive change.


Honesty, fairness, teamwork and leadership example.

What do we do?

Through our scientifically driven and proven approach, we create exceptional work environments that foster healthier communication, improved conflict resolution, and increased employee satisfaction and motivation.


This leads to a reduction in staff turnover and an overall boost in productivity, enabling organizations to attract top talent and achieve greater impact in their respective cause areas.


The path to impact involves a collaborative approach. We work closely with altruistic organizations, providing ongoing support and tailored solutions based on their specific needs.

How do we do it?

Step 1

Using the IGLO methodology, we conduct comprehensive assessments of individual well-being, group dynamics, leadership, and organizational coherence.

This holistic approach ensures that both the organizational and individual aspects are addressed to create a healthier and more effective work environment.

Step 2

​By analyzing internal operational and communication structures, we identify areas where employee satisfaction is low, burnout risk is high, and productivity can be improved.


Our team of skilled psychologists, coaches and HR experts then provide customized solutions to address these issues effectively, also helping and supporting the leaders across the process.

Step 3

We will know if we have achieved this goal by monitoring key metrics that, when analyzed together, constitute arithmetic indicators of improved employee satisfaction, reduced staff turnover, enhanced productivity, and feedback from organizational leaders.


These indicators will demonstrate the positive changes in organizational well-being and effectiveness resulting from our interventions.

Who are we?

The ReGrow team is comprised of professionals from various disciplines, including experts in legal, communication, compliance, as well as mental health, coaching and psychological well-being.

Our survey



We decided to launch a first survey to our colleagues in the animal sector, in order to form a more accurate picture of their condition, with the intention of highlighting the clear relationship between the mental health of workers and their job performance, as well as the high cost of covering sick leave due to anxiety or depression, fair and unfair dismissals, the turnover and the devastating effects of burnout on the talent of professionals.

Have you ever felt that your mental health suffered because of your work environment in the third sector?

Imagine you are an investor and you had to finance only one organization, would you choose yours or would you choose another?

Have you ever considered leaving your organization because you don’t feel comfortable with its internal dynamics?

Building a more effective movement

In order to optimize the relationship between the capital invested and the effort made by the workers, the welfare of the workers must be taken into account.


We want to ensure the good internal functioning of NGOs, which is essential for the mental stability of their employees.


For this reason, we help to maximize the growth of organizations, to achieve objectives, to increase work performance, to reduce the costs related to dismissals, both justified and unjustified, and to increase the prestige of the organization.

Framework of our funding proposal:


ReGrow is a non-profit association registered in the Spanish National Register of Associations under the number 625667, and established on 3 October 2022.

Thanks for submitting!

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